OMI YOUTH animation team organized a two days animation programme to the youth of
Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu districts in view of extending the Oblate
Triennium Animation programme to all those who are part of our life and
ministries. The theme of the workshop was ‘TO
FAN THE FLAME’ at OBTEC, Kanagapuram, Killinochchi.
This was a
joint venture of few Oblate resource persons, the counselors of our counseling
Centres and the OMI -Youth Animation Team.
There were 75 participants from the parishes and from Oblate centres of the
both districts benefitted by this workshop. This workshop focused on the psycho
spiritual animation and the empowerment of the youth who still go through lots
of difficulties and hardships in life struggling to cope up with the present
day challenges and realities aftermath of war. It was believed to have fanned the flame of
faith, self-confidence, good will and
an urge to be the change in this society they live in. It was much appreciated as it included many
therapeutic skills, meditation, yoga, personal counseling, musical programs and
innovative activities. The youth were found very active and energetic to follow
this activity based workshop. We thank and appreciate our Provincial Rev. Fr. S. Edwin VasantharajahOMI for his encouragement and presence with our youth, Rev. Fr. Victor Jeyasingam OMI our Province Treasurer, Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict OMI the councilor in charge of youth ministry, all other Oblate resource persons, the facilitators, and the OBTEC administration for making this triennium animation program a successful one.
Fr. A. Confucious OMI
JAFFNA PROVINCETP: +94779177127 / + 94212222721
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